
The anxiety and others

Proper management of our emotional states is key to our well-being. To maintain proper brain function, good regulation of the balance between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission (communication between neurons) of the nervous system is necessary. This very precise regulation is achieved with the release of adequate doses of neurotransmitters of one type or another at the points of contact between neurons, the synapses.

When that balance is broken, apparently different problems appear like anxiety, depression and others. Serotonin, noradrenalin, adrenalin and dopamine are involved in numerous endogenous processes, but are key in the mechanisms that govern moods, anxiety, fear, anxiety and aggressiveness.

Serotonin has been mainly associated as the “hormone of happiness”, because problems at its central levels cause disorders of mood, behavior and memory.
Anxiety is a physiological reaction in which our body acts to face situations that generate stress. Stress can arise for different reasons, even influenced by a certain genetic predisposition. Among the most common we find the tensions derived from work, studies, pregnancy, family problems, economic difficulties, poor management of emotional intelligence and many others. It is estimated that 15 and 25% of primary care patients suffer from anxiety disorders. Generally speaking, anxiety is more common in women aged 40-55 and is often associated with depression, anger, fear, or sadness.

Meditation, yoga, specific diets and taking nutritional supplements that act on markers associated with anxiety and/or depression are useful. Numerous scientific studies indicate the importance of the gut-brain axis behind autoimmune and psychological disorders. Based on these, we know that certain intestinal microorganisms are capable of producing substances that function as neurotransmitters in the brain. Hence, it is estimated that 95% of the serotonin (a substance related to happiness and good humor) that our body produces comes from the intestines.

Recent scientific publications report a reduced total antioxidant state associated with the development of disorders such as anxiety. At this time it is known that oxidative stress generates inflammation, loss of neuronal plasticity, etc. For this reason, the antioxidant effects of conventional treatments are considered valuable. They help eliminate oxidative stress and its consequences and protect against damage to neurons.

The balance of oxidative stress, preservation and optimization of antioxidant function are very useful for the conventional treatment of depression and care for mood.

A study published in 2016 (Oxidative stress and antioxidant parameters in patients with major depressive disorder compared to healthy controls before and after antidepressant treatment: results from a meta-analysis; Jiménez-Fernández SJ Clin Psychiatry. 2015) that consisted of a review of the whole the existing literature on oxidative stress and its role in the management of psychological behaviors confirmed that, “depression is a multifactorial etiology with systemic implications that must be addressed in a broad way and where oxidative stress plays a determining role. Antidepressant activity can be mediated through the improvement of oxidative/antioxidant stress function ”.

This meta-analysis includes 29 studies comparing the antioxidant and oxidative stress markers of people with depression, with those of healthy controls before and after treatment with antidepressants. A total of 3,961 people were included. It represents the first detailed work of these characteristics published in the world. Scientists were able to verify that, after conventional pharmacological treatment of depression, biomarkers of oxidative stress normalize, in addition to improving endogenous antioxidant levels. It is suggested to extend to the field of depression treatment, the management of oxidative stress and inflammation in an adjunctive way. Another study (“Association between oxidative stress and psychosocial processes in the elderly”; P. Mayoral-Babiano et al. Spanish Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology; 2005), indicated the interrelation between oxidative stress and cognitive, emotional and social processes, as well as the relationship between biological and psychological variables. “There are significant correlations between satisfaction with the residential environment and oxidants and antioxidants.”

“By decreasing the peroxidation of the membranes, cell communication is favored, immunosenectity is delayed or reversed and health is improved through its positive impact on the immune system and neuroendocrine regulation, which contributes to a higher quality of life and , in particular, to the prevention and improvement of degenerative diseases mediated by the immune system ” (De la Fuente M, Victor VM. Anti-oxidants as modulators of immune function; Immunol Cell Biol; 2000).

Mygrium® contains vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6, which contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin C contributes to the protection of cells against oxidative damage and vitamin B5 contributes to the synthesis and normal metabolism of some neurotransmitters.
In addition to these vitamins essential for our state of mind, Mygrium® contains a balanced formulation of natural polyphenols with a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity that, according to a wide scientific medical literature, contributes to maintaining the balance of oxidative stress.